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Restoration and development of the Mary & Margrages Churchs - Egypt

Monuments Restoration   ::  Completed Projects   ::  2016  ::  

Client: Military works department
Description: a church Work components: Structural reinforcement, architectural restoration, precise restoration, Electrical works -Sanitary works - Architectural finishes Working date: 2016 The Church of the Virgin Mary is one of the oldest ancient churches in Upper Egypt, which includes the cave in which the child Jesus and his mother, the Virgin Mary, hid for three days to escape the oppression of the Romans in the great escape. That trip that blessed the Church and made it a destination for visitors not only in Egypt, but the whole world to see the cave in which the child Jesus and his mother, Mrs. Mary, who was about a century and a half old, in 328 A.B Queen Helena mother of King qustntinne visited her. The first visited this palace and she had known the story ordered Holy Family visited this area and hid in the cave. It ordered the carving and emptying of the rock surrounding the cave according to the Orthodox Church ritual system and called it the Church of the Virgin Mary, which is a single rock that was divided into four rock walls and the courtyard 10 rock columns. In 2016,
the Arab Contractors Company renovated the church under the supervision of the Armed Forces Engineering Authority.

Monuments Restoration