Tripoli Port Development Project - Lebanon

Ports & Marinal Works   ::  Ongoing Projects   ::  2023  ::  

The project is affiliated to the Lebanese Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR).
The company won a bid to implement the first phase of the project with funding from the Islamic Development Bank worth 27.5 million US$ amid great competition between 27 companies (Lebanese – Egyptian – Turkish – Saudi – Chinese – Jordanian – Italian – Kuwaiti – Iranian). It consists of the main port building, the public security building, the port administration building, warehouses, garages, a fire station, ground reservoir 1500m3, a pumping station and a ground fuel tank, in addition to a 3.6 km internal road network, 5 km water networks, 10 km sewage, 6 km railway lines, besides the site works, fence and lighting. The project execution period is 3 years.

Ongoing Projects