May 20, 2018

Eng. Abdel Motelb Mamdouh, Eng. Essam Badawy and Eng. Mohsen Salah Toured the Project of the Oases Road

Eng. Abdel Motelb Mamdouh – Vice Chairman of the New Urban Communities and Eng. Essam Badawy – Head of the Development Authority for 6 October City and Eng. Mohsen Salah – AC Chairman toured the Oases  Road to follow up the work progress and discussed its details and the time schedule. It is noteworthy that the project is executed by the Bridge Sector in cooperation with the departments of the Maritime Structures, Upper Egypt Roads, Ismailia Shipyard, Ordinary Works (drainage and finishing), Electrical Works and Assiut Branch. It started from the Oases Road and its intersection with Fayoum Road extends for 30km on the Oases direction. The project includes the service way on both sides of Oases Road 30km length and 15m width for each side and a free higher bridge no. 1 nearby October Airport and U-turn Bridge connected with the outlet to the entrance of the Social Housing in addition to 2 one-way bridges above the railway at the location no. 18 near El Sharqia for Smoking. In addition to two bridges one of them on Dahshour Southern Bridge and the Other on Oases  Road location no. 2 on the Oases  to serve the Ring Road and the U-turn in location no. 3 after El Kahrba Street (Fayoum-Fayoum) and two directions bridge on the Oases  Road location no. 4 on the intersection with 26 July Axis and U-turn in location no. 6 after the exit of the Northern Dahshour Road (Fayoum-Fayoum) and tunnels in location no. 8 on the intersection of the Ring Road and a U-turn bridge (Oases -Oases ) location no.9 out of Zewail Street and a turning bridge for the comer from Fayoum to Zewail Street in addition to 5 pedestrians bridges and 5 bus stations, lighting works for the new roads and bridges; drainage works, irrigation works, greenery for the middle Oases  between the new road and the existing roads on the Oases  Road.