July 10, 2014

Qalioupia Governor and AC Chairman Toured the Development Works of El Moasassa Square

Qalioupia Governor and AC Chairman toured the development works of El Moasassa Square which nearly accomplished. The project objective is to facilitate the traffic in the Northern Entry to the Capital. The project total cost is EGP 26 million, including 4 important phases. The 1st phase is the cars tunnel: 9.75m width, 3 lanes, 210m length and covered part 20m length and the rest is open. 2nd phase: higher bridge compromises an inlet and an outlet above the tunnel, 230m length, 9.75m width and 3 lanes. The 3rd phase is the development of El Moasassa Square. The 4th phase is the construction of a new pedestrian bridge 100m length crossing over the bridge and the tunnel that comes after dismantling the old bridge to facilitate the citizen movement from Shoubra El Kheima station to the Car Park. In addition to theses, the development works of the surface roads surrounding El Moasassa Square to El Sharaqwa Lake.